Monday, November 9, 2015



Hello Everyone!!

     I hope you all have survived this week much like I have! This has questionably been one of the craziest weeks I'll experience in the mission, and I absolutely loved it! This week, both of my companions left. Sister R. left for Australia, and it was so sad! (First there were three) and Sister M. went home! (Then there two...which then became one.) It was weird to watch her get on the shuttle! 

     So, what does that mean? I'm companionless you say? NOPE! I got to go down to Lansing and Serve on MSU campus this week!! IT WAS SOOOO COOL!! I met so many people, and I can't even tell you how good it felt to be back in a city. Oh how I loved it. We were in the mission headquarters building for quite some time, so I had the opportunity to meet and talk with many of the Office Missionaries.  I loved it. Talking to people for 8 hours a day was exhausting, but I loved the experience!  President Jacobsen, if you-by chance are reading this letter on my blog-I LOVED MSU....just saying...:) 

      Why was I at MSU? Because I was picking up my NEW SISTA! Oh and Behold, I have a cute new Sister named Sister W who hails from the great State of UTAH!  She is from Highland, and I love her to pieces. I don't know if it is possible to come on a mission Pre-trained, but if it is, she is. What a blessing she already is to me, and I love her to death.  I can't wait to share all of our adventures and let people know how blessed I am be TRAINING Sister Wilde, because I feel like she should be the one training me.

This week was full of stress and miracles: a perfect combination really. We were doorknocking, and A MIRACLE from Heaven alone occurred before our eyes. We received a referral from Lansing a couple months ago, and have been in contact with him for a while. He hasn't given us his address, so we texted him on Thursday to see when it would be a good time to meet this week. Oh and behold, the last door we knock on the last night was HIS. It made me feel so much better because I don't know what I am doing as a trainer, so to be LED to this man's apartment was a BLESSING! A Blessing I tell you! He said, "What are the chances that you would find me? This is all so crazy to me. I didn't want to tell you where I lived because I live with my sister while I am trying to figure out my life. So instead of me finding you, you came and found me. I can't believe you found me". And I can't believe it either. It was so crazy! I know this church is TRUE!  It HAS to be!

I love you all! Have a wonderful week!!


Sister Ensign 

1 comment:

  1. I am Sister W's mom and this made me cry. Sister W loves Sister E too! I'd love to get in touch with you! We can be proud momma's together!
