Monday, September 14, 2015

Sometimes a trailer park can change you.

Hello once again from the most pleasant of places...MOUNT PLEASANT!
  This week was good! I was having a bit of a hard day this week, and as we approached a door, I saw a doormat that said "Mind the Gap" and I nearly cried. It was among the most beautiful things I could have seen! LONDON!!! We also door-knocked and a woman said, "Wow that was really fast! Oh...... I thought you were my Pizza". Ha!
(Side note:  Do you ever have those days where all you want to do is go to Disneyland?  Okay, so that is pretty much an everyday occurrence for me, but I had a real craving for some of those overpriced water bottles and germ covered handlebars this week.)
  This week we had a lot of appointments and people to see.  It  is crazy how many different kinds of people there are in the world. And it's also crazy to see how many of those personalities all live in the same section of the world-the dead center of Michigan.  I have met some of the wealthiest and poorest people this county has to offer.  It has been quite humbling to see both.
  This week we also door-knocked in a trailer park neighborhood. Different than a regular trailer park, this neighborhood had some homes, but most were trailers.  As I was walking through, it made me think about my home life and all of the things I have been so richly blessed by. I thought about my education, my traveling, but mostly my family.  I have been so blessed. I don't know what I did right in the pre-earth life to attain a permanent spot in the Ensign family, but I thank my Heavenly Father for it daily.  It is crazy how many people are addicted to things. I have never really met anyone, before my mission, who was addicted to a substance, whatever that may be, but I have seen how it completely destroys lives.  It also surprises me to see how many people treat their families so poorly.  I clearly have taken the gospel for granted my entire life.  Being in a setting that doesn't have the teachings of the church is not only scary, but truly humbling. I am so grateful for all that I have and for the good things that have filled my life. It is challenging for me to see others who have so much less, but it is also is a great reminder that God loves all of His children.  I am praying to love it here!!!
  Tomorrow we have Elder Anderson from the Seventy coming. We will have a half-mission conference and stuff?? Ha-ha.  I have no idea what is going on in general, but especially tomorrow.  Everyone keeps talking about tomorrow as a HUGE deal! So I'll have more information on that next week! 
So that pretty much sums up my week!! This is a humbling experience and I am grateful for it! 
Love you tons!!! Thank you to all who send and write me! I appreciate it more than you know!!
Sister Ensign

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